U.S. Navy Chooses Expanso Bacalhau to Manage Workloads
The U.S. Navy selected Expanso and its open-source software,Bacalhau, as the orchestration solution for Unmanned UnderseaVessels (UUVs) and Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs), enablingmachine learning (ML) for undersea operations.
The Implementation Process
Modern Navy vessels, including UUVs and USVs, generate vast amounts of valuable data with their advanced sensors and systems. The U.S. Navy needed a reliable solution for deploying ML-enabledanalytics in the harsh, demanding conditions of deep ocean environments—a significant challenge over complex networks.
Bacalhau provides a reliable and secure way to enhances thesevessels’ on-device data processing capabilities with its seamlessedge deployment, allowing job scheduling and control fromanywhere globally.
Bacalhau meets the U.S. Navy’s stringent security standards and enabled data and computation access over unreliable networks. The project’s selection relied on sharing data across unmanned vessels, manned vessels, and cloud environments. Expanso Bacalhau, along with Mycelial’s Kafka connector, ensured real-time synchronization and on-device data processing over networks with varying quality and bandwidth.
The Department of Defense’s Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) program marked a significant step towards AI/ML driven military readiness. Expanso has been a key enabler in this shift, facilitating the deployment, maintenance, and observability of complex models, and ensuring reliable updates with ongoing retraining and fine-tuning. Designed to handle poor connectivity, Expanso’s open-source platform Bacalhau provides a global view and reliable execution, making it an essential part of this advancement.
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